Wednesday, August 22, 2018

“As educational leaders and continuous learners, we must commit to perpetually moving forward, for our own sakes and for the benefit of the schools and students we serve. Never stop asking questions or pushing the boundaries of what is possible for learning for our students and ourselves; this is where the true learning will happen” (Couros, 217).

I was preparing for our next Inservice this afternoon and used this quote from Innovator’s Mindset by George Couros in order to drive our conversation on Friday. We gave staff this text over the summer to peruse and enjoy. I’m looking forward to the conversation about pushing our own boundaries in order to be continuous learners.

This project is my “push” this year. I know that through writing, reflecting and connecting I will develop questions that will further my learning. I plan to share this with staff soon. Through this process, I want them to know that I, too, am moving myself into an unknown world of blogging and social media. And, I’m still super uncomfortable. But, I’m on my way (I think).

I hope that my risk will encourage others to commit to theirs.

Stay tuned…

#180ishdays #innovatorsmindset

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