Alien Administrator
EXTRAordinary Leadership in an Ordinary World
What Does Your Assessment Assess?
I tweeted something the other day after having a conversation about testing via devices. There was concern by a few teachers that there wasn't anything stopping students from simply Googling answers to the test questions. This was my thought regarding that concern:...

Education’s New Lingo
I went to my children’s curriculum night last week. Throughout the twenty-minute presentation, their teachers made mention of so many of the key topics in education: PBIS, flexible seating, growth mindset, data/benchmark testing, technology, Common Core, no-homework...

Stop Teaching Today’s Students with Yesterday’s Strategies
It's lunch time and you're sitting in the lounge observing a casual discussion among a few veteran teachers. As it does every so often, the conversation comes up about how much kids have changed since they started teaching and how students "aren't like they used to...

A Few Simple Words
“Make today so awesome that yesterday is jealous.” I saw this in a classroom today. And, it made me smile. I love phrases that this. A few simple words can completely shift your mindset. Our words-whether they are said or written somewhere for all to see-have a...

Accepting the Reality of Your Dream
Today, I felt like an administrator. I spent the majority of the day doing paperwork, working on observation feedback, changing schedules, calling back parents, watching bus video and sitting in meetings. I had very little contact with kids. I hate that. A lot. I...

Are Accelerated Classes Full of Just The Good Kids?
We have had a lot of discussion lately about accelerated courses (we offer accelerated math and English courses in our middle school). In our district we have established a litany of data points that help us make the decision of whether or not to enroll students into...
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