Alien Administrator
EXTRAordinary Leadership in an Ordinary WorldIt is all about choices.
Over the course of the last couple weeks, Nikki and I have referenced the radical change in PD we are trying this year: Passion Projects (more detail about this coming in a future post). I was browsing Twitter today and came across this tweet from Daniel Pink:...
Trust in your Team
Sunday, August 26, 2018 I was looking through my Twitter feed again this evening and came across this. (Still working on the Twitter thing) “A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust each other.” Simon Sinek Trust is...
Authenticity vs Accountability (or Purpose vs Policing)
Yesterday, Nikki and I were creating the form that our staff would use to share their Passion Project proposals. Halfway through our creation of the form I stopped and asked, "is this just busy work or is doing this of value to both our staff and us?" Asking that...
Building a Foundation
Thursday, August 23, 2018 Yesterday, I was doing drop ins and went into a classroom working on a unique activity. Students were working collaboratively in order to fold paper. At first glance, this activity could seem useless. However, by asking, “what’s this all...
Get Your Head Out of Your Apps
Have you seen this one? On the highway? I saw it for the first time last night on my way home from Open House and I took a major double take. That is, of course, its intention - drop that phone and drive! (And no, I didn't take this picture - I figured I could...
Share the Risk
Wednesday, August 22, 2018 “As educational leaders and continuous learners, we must commit to perpetually moving forward, for our own sakes and for the benefit of the schools and students we serve. Never stop asking questions or pushing the boundaries of what is...
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