Ok, so I’m struggling to keep up with my goal.  Last night, I sat at my computer for three hours post kid bedtime.  I responded to emails, packed lunches, made schedule changes, scribbled a grocery list, worked on a coding evidence from a teacher’s observation and scanned my kids’ take-home folder.  Bound and determined to write, I opened my 180ish day document and began a piece about setting expectations. I fell asleep mid sentence. I, literally, did not have enough time in the day.

I empathize with teachers and PLCs who feel like they set goals and hit roadblocks. I also admire those who continue to set lofty goals.  It can be defeating, however, when we don’t meet these goals. But, setting lofty goals pushes me to be my best self. It won’t be perfect because time will undoubtedly get in the way.  But, stretch goals encourage us to keep pushing forward.

I’m still trying to post 180ish times this year.  It’s a tall order. But, having this stretch goal pushes me to keep going.What’s your stretch goal this year?

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