Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Today I embark on a journey.
Today was the first day of school.
Today marks my 33rd first day of school.  

In 1985, I began Kindergarten and today I began my 17th year as an educator.  

I have always loved the first day of school and all of its energy.  For me, it represents possibility. It’s a blank page to fill. Students, teachers, parents and administrators alike have so many “possibilities” to fulfill.  Today is a day of pure potential.

This year, my possibility is a personal and professional challenge.  For the last few years, I’ve really wanted to stretch myself as a connected leader.  But, I’ve always found a reason why I couldn’t. It’s hard balancing everything that is needed of me at work and home.  That’s been my biggest roadblock. And, it still might be some days. But, learning continues to ground me as a professional and as a person.  I need to make my professional learning a priority because there are so many possibilities in this journey.

So, what is this journey and what is it all about?

Honestly, I’m not sure yet.  My goal is to become a more connected leader by posting and interacting on social media throughout the school year.  I want to share my learning and read about yours. This won’t be perfect, but it’ll be real.

My goal is to post about something I’ve learned or want to share over the next 180ish days.  

I say 180ish because of the following:

    • We all know that 180 days isn’t a reality.  We have so many days that are interrupted by testing, assemblies, inservice, celebrations, etc.


  • I also know that life happens.  I’m giving myself 5 free passes.  These will be used ONLY if I truly feel life trumps my learning journey.  I promise.

Now, when I say I’ll post “something,” I mean just that.  I have no idea what this might turn into, but I am committed to posting something for the next 180ish days.

Today, I was reminded of the power of the 1st day.
Today, I started a new journey.
Today, I’m inspired by the power of possibility.

I hope you’ll join me.

#alienadministrator #180ishdays #firstdayofschool

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